Diversity Policy:
Global Statement
Louisiana Association of United Ways (LAUW) firmly believes in the dignity of all people. Our organization respects all cultures and individuals and seeks to understand the unique qualities of people. We reaffirm this belief in our policies which guide employment practices, collective impact engagement, membership services/development and service delivery for public benefit.
Louisiana Association of United Ways values the diversity and dignity of all people. Our organization will employ staff, engage partners, serve members and provide for services consistently regardless of a person’s race, creed, color, religion, marital status, lifestyle, disability, gender, age, national origin, education, position, ancestry, veteran status or any other difference.
LAUW believes that accessing diverse perspectives, skills and talents leads to:
• Enhanced performance and results
• Improved responsiveness and understanding of problems
• Stewardship of the United Way brand
Employment Practices
LAUW is committed to assuring equal opportunity and consideration to all qualified applicants and employees in personnel matters consistent with all applicable federal or state laws and regulations. LAUW actively seeks personnel for all available positions that leverage the skills, talents and resources of people of different backgrounds.
Collective Impact Engagement
LAUW is committed to working alongside others in the pursuit of collective impact efforts regardless of race, creed, color, religion, marital status, lifestyle, disability, gender, age, national origin, position, ancestry, veteran status or any other difference. LAUW will seek partners who reflect the value of diversity and embody it in their actions.
Membership Services and Development
The Board of Directors, President/CEO and its United Way members must create and sustain an environment that encourages diverse viewpoints. Services to members will embrace diversity of opinion, needs and perspectives.
Service Delivery for Public Benefit
LAUW is committed to the delivery and provision of service to meet the needs of citizens of Louisiana as identified through the membership of our Association. LAUW will demonstrate the commitment to provide services and advocate for change in accordance with applicable law and demonstrate a commitment to the spirit of LAUW’s Diversity Policy.
The Board of Directors will review this policy every three years, to be reviewed next in June, 2021.