Louisiana 211 is Ready to Help:
A simple call to 211 is answered by a live call specialist equipped to listen to your needs and locate available help and information near you.
Louisiana 211 is ready to respond to you, 24 hours a day and seven days a week, from anywhere in Louisiana.
If you prefer to talk via text, you can reach the Louisiana 211 team by texting your zip code to 898-211.
Your call to 211 is confidential.
For non-English speakers, the live specialists enlist an immediate translator for the duration of the phone call so they can provide accurate help. Available translators can service 161 languages.
Need Help? Connect to 211
To find local help and information, dial 211 or text your zip code to 898-211
Dial 211 or text 'LACOVID' to 898-211 for an instant reply with valuable web links to testing sites, vaccination sites and more.
Louisiana 211 works in partnership with the Louisiana Department of Health so we have the latest information available to help you. If you want to see all of the most common questions we receive about COVID-19, click here.
Dial 211 or text 'KINSHIPLA' to 898-211 for helpful links specifically for those providing Kinship Care.
Louisiana 211 works in partnership with the Louisiana Department of Child and Family Services to provide you with the support when needed.
Dial 211 or Text 'OPIOID' to 898-211 to access resources available for those suffering from opioid misuse and those helping others struggling with opioid misuse.
When you text OPIOID to 898-211, you will begin a semi-automatic texting interaction with options to connect with a live crisis intervention specialist at VIA LINK,Inc./211.
Learn how you can support 211 today!
Reinvesting your refund has never been easier:
1. When filing a Louisiana Income Tax Return (electronically or by hand), you can designate to the Louisiana Association of United Ways/LA 211 on Schedule D, Line 14.
2. OR Inform your tax preparer that you wish to give part of your tax return to the Louisiana Association of United Ways/LA 211
when filing your Louisiana State Income Tax Return.
Every day, someone, somewhere in Louisiana dials 211 to find help.
Since 2020, Louisiana 211 has served more than 730,000 Louisiana help seekers with more than 1 million referrals to help meet their immediate needs.
Louisiana 211 works to link people and resources for a better Louisiana through collaboration and partnership between non-profit organizations providing 211 services, funding United Ways, governmental and healthcare partners and the State of Louisiana Public Service Commission.
LAUW provides backbone support to Louisiana 211 to advance the statewide capacity of Louisiana 211.
Click on any parish below to learn about the organizations who proudly offer 211 services in your area: